Shifting the Paradigm - Part One

adi training coaching Jan 17, 2025

ADI and Parent Communication.

If you sit at the test centre, or in a Facebook Group, for long enough, eventually you will find an ADI complaining about a parent only being interested in getting their child through their driving test as quickly as possible. 

There are two ways for ADIs to deal with this kind of challenge. The first is to accept that it’s just part of the job, try to ignore it, and complain about it to colleagues. We can even get a laugh out of it (😂) if we paint the scenario well enough. 

The second way is to be a bit more reflective and consider the opportunities. Parents have been rushing their children through driving lessons for over 50 years. As an industry, we’re brilliant at complaining about it, but hardly anyone ever tries to do anything about it.  

The fact is that the way we train people to drive has (hopefully) changed. As a result, we need to be able to effectively communicate this to our customers.

If you are an ADI keen to address the higher levels of the GDE, capable of using coaching approaches and techniques for the benefit of your learners, and a believer in your role as a post-test guide for the people you train, you need to be able to explain this.

Here are some quick tips on how to do that.

1) Make a short list of all of your training methods. Focus on what makes you stand out from your competition, and, if you employ coaching techniques that involve conversations at the side of the road, be sure to mention these. An example list might look like this:

My Training Methods

  • In-car instruction and guidance on car controls
  • In-car training on rules of the road, traffic signs, etc
  • Encouragement to complete reflective work in between lessons
  • Encouragement to complete independent research on new topics in between lessons
  • Coaching conversations focused on driving-related goals, self-assessment of own performance, and reflection on own progress. These conversations build responsibility and reduce over-reliance on the driving instructor. 
  • Coaching conversations focused on road safety and the risk-increasing factors post-driving test (EG driving with friends in the car, differences between driving for pleasure and driving for work, distracted driving).
  • Coaching conversations focused on thoughts and feelings about own likelihood of being involved in a crash. 
  • Note that many of these conversations do take place at the side of the road for the sake of safety and to encourage deeper thinking and understanding. 

2) Use a Learning Contract, and only accept new business from people who read, understand, and accept your methods of training. It's ok to lose business from people who are only interested in passing the driving test. By not filling that space in your diary, you are keeping it free for a learner (and parents) who are focused on the bigger picture around learning to drive. 

There are plenty of resources online that will tell you how to create a good coaching contract, and contracting is a foundational part of the Bright Coaching Professional Diploma. 


3) Practice explaining why your methods are better than traditional methods. If you are dealing with a phone enquiry, you should be able to control the conversation in the following ways:

Example One:

Parent: How many lessons will it take to get Stewart ready for test. 

ADI: Well, that's not how I work. I offer a training course that prepares young people to pass the test, but also for all the things that they will encounter afterwards that we know cause crashes. 

Parent: OK, I just want to get them to test. 

ADI: I understand that, but it means I'm not the right instructor for your child. 


Example Two:

Parent: How many lessons will it take to get Stewart ready for test. 

ADI: Well, that's not how I work. I offer a training course that prepares young people to pass the test, but also for all the things that they will encounter afterwards that we know cause crashes. 

Parent: What do you mean?

ADI: I teach young people the skills and knowledge they require to move a car and to drive it around the place - that's all they need to pass a test - but the more important work is based on their behaviour. I use coaching to raise their levels of personal responsibility, to help them understand the higher levels of risk they face as young drivers with their friends in the car. By teaching them to set their own goals and reflect on their own performance, we create safer drivers who are better at understanding their own limitations. 


If this language seems a bit daunting, don't worry. Find someone to help you. A trainer or a coach, for example. If you're worried about having a conversation with someone in this way, write it all down - create a short guide for potential clients that you can send them.

By doing this work, you are improving your ability to communicate. And improvement is supposed to be difficult. 

If you have any questions about communication or Learning Contracts, please reach out. We're always happy to help. 


Thanks for reading, and stay subscribed for Part Two. 

Team Bright. 





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