Behavioural Interventions

behavioural change Mar 19, 2024

At Bright Coaching, we recognise and understand the importance of behaviour on road safety. Drivers do not crash because of a lack of skill - they crash because of decisions made internally, and these decisions are often sub-conscious and based on desired outcomes.

 For example, a young driver may choose to speed to impress his friends. Or a delivery driver may attempt a dangerous overtaking manoeuvre so she avoids getting into trouble from her boss for being late. Or a son driving on the motorway chooses to answer a call from his mother on his hand-held mobile because she’s rang once already - it could be urgent.

As driving instructors, our responsibility is to keep up to date with the latest research on the evidence-based methods which have been shown to have an effect on behavioural decisions.


 Because informing young people of potential consequences of risky driving behaviour is no longer enough. 

 Why not?

 Because young people are not stupid - they already understand  the potential consequences.

We can help young people to make better decisions, but first we need to understand why those decisions are made. Then we need to learn the techniques which will allow them to form positive mindsets and intentions about their future licence-holding selves.

 ADIs can learn about these approaches and more on our Professional Diploma in Coaching, Behavioural Change, and Driver Psychology, and can gain an accredited SQA qualification at the same time.

The course takes place over four Modules, spread over nine months. Assignments are completed in between each Module, with full support available from our team.

Cohort Two gathers at Dakota Eurocentral on Monday the 1st of July 2024, and we’d love to see you there.


50% Complete

Two Step

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