
Uncategorized Oct 12, 2024
On a recent Module Two of the Professional Diploma in Coaching and Behavioural Change for Safe Driving, an ADI came over to speak to me about the course.
She said that, although she understood that figuring out how people felt about their driving was important, it was only thanks to the group coaching exercises that she realised how powerful being asked about your own feelings was.
From the experience of being coached by her fellow candidates, she realised that there were  many things going on around her that she was not able to describe in terms of her feelings, and that this was because she'd never taken the time to think about them in that way.
She described being a very empathetic person, and we discussed the differences and balance between focusing on others' wellbeing vs our own.
It was a great moment for her. And I'm so happy she shared it.
Coaching is about more than figuring out how many times round a circuit your Part Three client wants to drive.
It's more than a number on a scale, and it's more than choosing between emerging and parallel park (although YES - all of these strategies, performed properly, can help you to deliver a client-centred driving lesson).
Coaching can be more than that, though.
Coaching can help people to achieve their potential in ways that are simply not possible if we're relying on experts telling us how to do things, how to pass tests, how to think, how to live our lives.
Coaching can change you.
Change is what coaching is for.

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